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Predictable state container for JavaScript apps
Sorts any JavaScript array in a predictable way (deep equal arrays are always sorted in the same order)
<h1 align="center"> <img src="" height="300px" alt="redux zero logo" title="redux zero logo"> <br> </h1> <p align="center" style="font-size: 1.2rem;">A lightweight state container based on Redux</p>
A rounding library for JavaScript that behaves predictably (unlike Math.round, Math.floor, Math.ceil).
Dispatch reducers
JavaScript Testing utilities for Redux, the easy way.
Simple useGlobalState hook for react
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- fast
- functional
- consume
- uuid
- Array.prototype.flatten
- slice
- hasOwn
- text
- object
- compiler
- rds
- read
- guid
- WebSockets
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Deterministic querystring stringify
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- every
- browser
- compile less
- patch
- regular expressions
- setter
- String.prototype.trim
- defineProperty
- compare
- __proto__
- typed array
- RegExp.prototype.flags
- validation
- typed
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predictable react router
Event sourced effect management
- coriolis
- event
- eventsourcing
- effect
- aggregate
- projection
- reducer
- predictable
- functional
- immutable
- hot
- live
- replay
- store
Generic factory functions for common slice data structures
- redux
- react
- starter
- toolkit
- reducer
- slice
- state
- immer
- immutable
- predictable
- functional
- action
- selector
- factory
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javascript library for listening to data changes of child objects
## A TypeScript Implementation of Flux
Fast & Effortless global state management for React, Preact and Inferno
- react
- preact
- inferno
- es6
- store
- state
- global store
- root store
- global state
- root state
- scalable state
- predictable
- slice
Predictable state container for React apps written using Hooks.
Dictionary is a JS library that helps automate language switching. This library can greatly speed up the development of language versions for any type of application. This library is new and requires a lot of improvements, but you can already try it out.
Platform agnostic solution for state management built as an extension on RxJs
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- typeerror
- bind
- shim
- superagent
- Push
- sameValueZero
- mime-db
- typed
- eslint-plugin
- chromium
- byteLength
- busy
- key
- starter
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