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108 packages found
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Generate a github-flavored-markdown fenced-code-block snippet.
A generalized and simple hooking API for adding extensibility to applications
Adds pre and post hook functionality to your JavaScript methods.
Adds pre and post hook functionality to your JavaScript methods.
wraps words based on arbitrary 2D glyphs
A git hook manager designed for monorepos
Pre- and Post- Create and Update Hooks for Mongoose ODM
Vue 3 CodeBlock - Highlight your code with ease using this syntax highlighting component powered by PrismJS or Highlight.js.
- vue-code-block
- code
- pre
- highlight
- syntax
- vue
- vue3
- prism
- prismjs
- highlightjs
- highlight.js
- component
- javascript
- typescript
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before decorator factory
Regular expression to match a semantic version string.
🏄 get blocks of balanced pairs, eg: {} \<a>\</a> or code fences ```
Extends functions with pre hooks.
Tree Multiset, AVLTree, BST, Binary Tree. Javascript & Typescript Data Structure.
- Tree Multiset
- tree multiset
- treemultimap
- tree-multimap
- duplicate elements
- duplicate
- node
- nodes
- element
- elements
- count
- Count
- order statistics
- self balancing
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Binary Tree. Javascript & Typescript Data Structure.
- binary tree
- binary tree data structure
- binarytree
- Binary Tree
- binary-tree
- bst tree
- balanced binary tree
- balanced bst
- full binary tree
- full binary trees
- complete binary tree
- javascript
- java script
- JavaScript
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Abstract mongoose plugin, allowing usage of 'pre' and 'post' hooks on internal direct wrappers to database API for all (including static) mongoose operations.
AVLTree(Adelson-Velsky and Landis Tree). Javascript & Typescript Data Structure.
- avl
- tree
- Tree
- avl tree
- avl-tree
- avltree
- AVL Tree
- avl tree data structure
- self-balancing
- selfbalancing
- selfbalance
- self balance
- self
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BST (Binary Search Tree). Javascript & Typescript Data Structure.
- bst data structure
- binary search tree data structure
- bst
- binary search tree
- binarysearchtree
- Binary Search Tree
- binary-search-tree
- javascript
- java script
- JavaScript
- js
- typescript
- type script
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Object method hooks made easy
Tree Multiset, AVLTree, BST, Binary Tree. Javascript & Typescript Data Structure.
- Tree Multiset
- tree multiset
- treemultiset
- tree-multiset
- duplicate elements
- duplicate
- node
- nodes
- element
- elements
- count
- Count
- order statistics
- self balancing
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PostHTML code syntax highlighting with Prism