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18 packages found
Asynchronous node.js wrapper for the Poppler PDF rendering library
- async
- attach
- cairo
- converter
- detach
- eps
- html
- jpg
- jpeg
- pdf-converter
- pdf-to-cairo
- pdf-to-html
- pdf-to-image
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Detect and validate file types by their signatures (✨magic numbers✨)
Package for encoding / decoding images, transforming images, applying filters, drawing primitives on images on the client side (no need for server Node.js)
A JavaScript library for parsing, converting, and in-browser playback of the proprietary animation formats used by Nintendo's Flipnote Studio and Flipnote Studio 3D apps.
A pure JS library for extracting image/video attributes such as width, height, size, and mime type
semantic-release plugin to publish Pulsar packages
Parse individual pam images from an ffmpeg pipe when output video codec(-c:v) is set to pam and format(-f) is set to image2pipe.
semantic-release shareable config to publish Pulsar packages
- ppm
- pulsar
- pulsar-packages
- pulsar-edit
- conventional-changelog
- release
- semantic-release
- semantic-release-config
- version
Node wrapper for uharc (and also for it's use with wine)
A customizable peak meter using the web audio API
Asynchronous node.js wrapper for the Poppler PDF rendering library
- async
- attach
- cairo
- converter
- detach
- html
- pdf-converter
- pdf-to-cairo
- pdf-to-html
- pdf-to-image
- pdf-to-ppm
- pdf-to-ps
- pdf-to-text
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Converts ppm bin image to an png image
A simple streaming ascii PPM image parser/writer
Reports data from PensionsMyndigheten
A Node.JS wrapper around FreeImage
Phalcon Package Manager