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JSON parse with prototype poisoning protection
Express middleware to protect against HTTP Parameter Pollution attacks
mocha integration for sinon
Simple package that makes it easy to work with OpenWeather API
NoPP (No Prototype Pollution) – tiny helper to protect against Prototype Pollution vulnerabilities in your application
Small benchmark library focused in avoiding optimization/deoptimization pollution between tests by isolating them.
Express middleware that automatically detects parameter pollution and prevents the attack for you.
Simple wrapper for Airly API, works in Node.js & the browser.
Homebridge plugin presenting pollution data as well as basic weather forecast information.
Homebridge plugin for AirNow (Air Quality)
The AirNow plugin allows you to monitor the current AirQuality for your Zip Code from HomeKit and Siri.
Protects against common Node.js vulnerabilities in MEAN stack (MongoDB, Node.js)
Homebridge-plugin for Smogomierz
Node wrapper for the AQICN Air Quality Index API
express middleware to prevent http parameter pollution atack
An unofficial API to get air quality index from
Get daily readings from the air quality stations in Madrid
Simple module to get pollution data from the Hong Kong Enviromental Department.
Homebridge plugin for showing PurpleAir air quality, temperature and humidity data (fork of original plugin, with various improvements)
The AirNow plugin allows you to monitor the current AirQuality for your Zip Code from HomeKit and Siri.