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A practical functional library for JavaScript programmers.
Dedicated types library for ramda
A practical functional library for JavaScript programmers.
Heavily overloaded functions (pipe/compose) for type-safe function composition in TypeScript
Async combinators and decorators collection
Tiny goodies for Continuation-Passing-Style functions
- library
- utilities
- function
- variadic
- polymorphic
- abstraction
- continuation
- cont
- cps
- task
- future
- control-flow
- pipe
- pipeline
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Functional point-free utilities for js
- js
- javascript
- ts
- typescript
- pure
- utils
- utilities
- functional
- point-free
- pointfree
- treeshakeable
- tree-shaking
- pointless-ts
- pointless
Curried function that calls `JSON.parse` on provided input returning either the parsed JSON or the specified default value if the data fails to parse as valid JSON instead of throwing a `SyntaxError`.
- JSON.parse
- catch
- curried
- functional
- higher-order
- json
- json-parse
- parse
- parse json
- parser
- point-free
- pointfree
- safe
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Ramda-centric wrapper to decimal.js
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- Map
- progress
- variables
- Stream
- simpledb
- sharedarraybuffer
- dayjs
- ES2022
- 0
- chai
- react-testing-library
- obj
- child
- mkdirp
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Point free style, functional Javascript library with focus on object arrays
JS utility tool
![Async Logo](
- ECMAScript 2020
- bootstrap less
- break
- computed-types
- clone
- stringify
- korean
- redux-toolkit
- less.js
- error-handling
- settings
- find-up
- scheme
- some
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Useful util functions and tacit programming capabilities
MIRROR: A practical functional library for JavaScript programmers.
Curried predicate which checks that a value exists in an array. Generally faster than `indexOf` across JS engines.
- array
- auto-curried
- contain
- contains
- curried
- in-array
- in_array
- inarray
- include
- includes
- partial-application
- point-free
- pointfree
Returns a new array comprised of the given array's contents with the given value appended.
Functional JavaScript utilities that extend Ramda
Debugging for Ramda.
Curried function deriving a new array containing items from given array for which predicate returns true. Supports unary function, RegExp, dot/bracket-notation string path, and compound query object as predicate.
- alternative
- array
- array-filter
- array.filter
- arrayfilter
- bracket
- bracket-notation
- compatible
- compound
- curried
- dot
- dot-notation
- es3
- filter
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