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React component wrapper around PhotoSwipe
A caption plugin for PhotoSwipe v5+ that smartly positions it aside or below the image.
Vue plugin for image preview base on PhotoSwipe
PhotoSwipe, PhotoSwipeGallery component for ReactJS base on PhotoSwipe.
A Vue 3 integration PhotoSwipe image plugin
react photoswipe component base on Photoswipe. Support React >= 16.
A Vue integration PhotoSwipe image plugin
Vuejs plugin for image viewing
a vue plugin for photoswipe
A Vue integration PhotoSwipe image preview plugin
A Stimulus controller for PhotoSwipe.
A plugin that adds tile-based zoom support to PhotoSwipe. Supports Deepzoom and Zoomify tile formats.
Improved object-position property handling
Image preview component based on vue.js
An Ember addon for using Photoswipe in Ember applications.
Get even more out of VitePress with VitePress Valence, a comprehensive suite of components that add additional functionality, style, and customization to your VitePress projects.
- vitepress
- components
- vue
- vite
- typescript
- table
- blog
- announcements
- news
- cards
- containers
- gallery
- images
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A directive supported plugin for PhotoSwipe in Vue.js components.
A Vue integration PhotoSwipe image plugin
- vue
- vue2
- photoswipe
- photoswipe4
- 2021
- picture-swipe
- swiper
- image
- gallery
- preview
- vuejs
- vue-picture-swipe
- vue-picture-swipe-control
Ionic React photo viewer component
PhotoSwipe, PhotoSwipeGallery component for ReactJS base on PhotoSwipe.