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helps you create pixel perfect apps by design
- react-native
- pixel
- perfect
- relative
- pixel perfect
- pixel-perfect
- react-native-pixel-perfect
- design
- ui
- UI
- size
- dp
- px
- pixels
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Pixel-perfect, hand-crafted icons that draw inspiration from Apple iOS 7
Tools used to understand or work with numbers in Node.JS, Javascript and derivatives.
- number
- numbers
- math
- theory
- abundant
- adaptive simpson
- addition
- affine
- arithmetic
- basic
- bates
- binomial
- box muller
- box muller transform
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React Native Perfect Marquee is a extremely lightweight React Native component that harnesses silky smooth marquees
Completely pollution-free UI, perfect scrollbar implemented through CSS
- false
- javascript
- falsey
- falsy
- falsejs
- boolean
- lol
- useful
- lifesaver
- framework
- jsfruit
- food
- is-ten
- is-hundred
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Test if a value is a cube number.
A pixel perfect SCSS stylesheet. Spiced with themeable mixins, custom CSS variables and other cool stuff you can handpick from.
Release and version your packages with perfe(k)t ease!
Stringify at perfect performance. +1200%
Cli for PerfectCSS css library
The future is here.
- is-zero
- zero
- is-hundred
- hundred
- is-ten
- ten
- 10x
- essential
- simple
- clean
- strong
- beautiful
- independant
- independent
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Perfect dark mode.
ZombieBox extension for Pixel Perfect testing
Perfect dark mode.
The 10x version of is-ten
- is-hundred
- hundred
- is-ten
- ten
- 10x
- essential
- simple
- clean
- strong
- beautiful
- independant
- 10x-engineer
- original
- key
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Flexible perfect maze generator
Parse and format forms perfectly.
Angular wrapper library for Perfect Scrollbar
CLI for source code generators
- codegeneration
- ruby on rails
- java
- generator
- grails
- sailsj
- angular
- javascript
- scaffolding
- ios
- android
- swift
- yeoman
- kitura
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