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23 packages found
Asterisk AGI for NodeJS
Enhance Your Business Communication Productivity and Efficiency with Our Softphone and PBX Service
jssip react wrapper
- sip
- jssip
- sip.js
- react-sip
- pbx
- onlibepbx
- react sip
- react native sip
- react jssip
- ip telephony
- react native
- react
Asterisk FAST AGI for NodeJS
A Virtual PBX Server for Twilio (Supports standalone Node.js server and Firebase Cloud Functions)
Busca de endereços brasileiros por CEP e listagem de estados + cidades do Brasil
The package allows you to add additional params to the XCode project during the unity building phase.
Asterisk node.js and TS fastAgi Express-like Interface
Interacting with Asterisk Manager Interface with Node
Auerswald API Access (COMpact 4000, 5000(R), 5200(R), 5500R, COMmander 6000(R)(X))
Asterisk node.js fastAgi Express-like Interface
Easily make asterisk calls from Node.js applications.
Node.js Asterisk Manager conection IO socket TCP OR TLS socket
node.js asterisk pbx io
node.js asterisk pbx io