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Module for integration with Efi Bank API
- efi
- efi pay
- efi bank
- pagamentos
- payment
- sdk
- integração
- integration
- api
- bank slip
- boleto bancario
- credit card
- cartao de credito
- pix
A mtn momo api integration package
NestJS integration module for Payme payment system
veritrans integration module for node.js
React components library with 6 styles, 80 icons, TypeScript support, and a variety of types and formats for easy integration into React applications.
- paypal
- svg
- paymenticons
- mastercard
- credit-card
- icons
- react
- credit
- components
- typescript
- logos
- brands
- icon
- react-component
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Payment integration package for Uzbekistan payment gateways
A SDK for M-PESA integration
Payment Gateway Integration using NodeJS
Seamless integration of Topper on Web applications
PayU payment integration Medusa.js plugin
Promise based Instamojo payment gateway integration for NodeJS
JS SDK for Cigalpay API Integration
- crypto
- payment
- gateway
- cryptocurrency
- payments
- CigalPay
- blockchain
- digital
- currency
- transactions
- secure
- accept
- invoicing
Payment integration package for multiple payment providers
A stripe nest integration module where stripe client can be inject to the injectables.
Paypack SDK for Javascript Integration
The Unofficial Agency Integration SDK for Jambopay
A TypeScript wrapper for Razorpay payment integration
React components for the PayPal JS SDK
Chilepay SDK module for Payments integration