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Extensible string utility for converting, identifying and flipping string case
Convert a string to pascal case (upper camelcase).
- change case
- camel
- camelcase
- case
- casing
- pascal
- pascal-case
- pascal case
- pascalcase
- string
- upper camel case
- UpperCamelCase
Convert a string to pascal case.
camelCase, kebab-case, PascalCase... a simple integration with nano package size. (SMALL footprint!)
- change-case
- change-casing
- case-change
- casing-change
- camel-case
- pascal-case
- kebab-case
- snake-case
- ada-case
- constant-case
- train-case
- cobol-case
- path-case
- dot-case
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Convert string cases between camel case, pascal case, snake case etc...
Simple case conversion and detection for strings.
- camel
- camelcase
- case
- casing
- lower
- lowercase
- pascal
- pascalcase
- sentence
- sentencecase
- slug
- slugcase
- snake
- snakecase
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{camel,constant,dot,kebab,pascal,snake,space} case it.
- case
- camel
- camelcase
- camel-case
- constant
- constantcase
- constant-case
- dot
- dotcase
- dot-case
- kebab
- kebabcase
- kebab-case
- pascal
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Convert camelCase inputs to kebab-case outputs.
Convert a string to Pascal case.
Convert a string to Pascal case.
Remove any existing casing from a string.
- camel
- camelcase
- case
- pascal
- pascalcase
- sentence
- sentencecase
- slug
- slugcase
- snake
- snakecase
- string
- title
- titlecase
convert between camelCase, PascalCase, snake_case, and kebab-case.
The lucky javascript library to identify and convert strings from any letter case to another
Simple converters from case to case for string and Record. It can canvert below cases each other.
Convert into a text of capitalized words without separators
One lightly library contains a series of methods for converting one string or text to different kind of naming style, such as camelCase, PascalCase, hyphen-case, CONSTANT_CASE, etc.
Convert an object's keys to any case
A set of utilities to convert the case of strings
naming case convertion
Convert between typesafe string casings