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Strip comments from JSON. Lets you use comments in your JSON files!
Parse JSON with more helpful errors
Read and parse a JSON file
JSON parse with prototype poisoning protection
Safe Json Utils
Parse json safely and at max speed
Big-friendly JSON. Asynchronous streaming functions for large JSON data sets.
decycle your json
lexing json
Parse/stringify JSON and provide source-map for JSON-pointers to all nodes
Promise based JSON parser. Handles invalid JSON data gracefully.
Encode/decode circular structures for converting to and from JSON.
This package uses ES2015 decorators to simplify JSON schema creation and use
A JSON to CSV and CSV to JSON converter that natively supports sub-documents and auto-generates the CSV heading.
Implementation of JSON that ignores BOM and thows friendly error
Safe Json Utils
Parse JSON without risk of losing numeric information
JSON parser and stringifier with JSON Pointer support
Convert JSON to CSV
Lightweight, streamed JSON parser in 748 bytes