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Lazy is a fast, feature-rich and lightweight delayed content loading plugin for jQuery and Zepto. It's designed to speed up page loading times and decrease traffic to your users by only loading the content in view.
- lazy
- lazyload
- load
- loader
- image
- images
- background
- content
- speed
- delay
- delayed
- pageload
- performance
- retina
- View more
Dependency-free library for lazyloading iframes
Fork of Dependency-free library for lazyloading iframes
Small and agnostic javascript library for easy & fast page loading spinner. Ready for ES Modules.
Automatically focus on an input field upon page load in Ember
Lazyload iframes - dependency-free library
Tools to help you change site behavior based on pageload metrics
loadytimer is a very simple node package to see the current page load time in browser console. The timing parameter is in second.
Automatic page load progress bar
A convenience package to incorporate the browser history API into your PWA.
Dependency-free library for lazyloading iframes
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