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38 packages found
Get a complete overview of your fastify application
Converts Dx overview tables csv output to excel file
Generate context for an LLM to ask it questions on a project
Add support to do 'page view' for movie scripts. Based on ep_page_view project from Etherpad (
> A visualization of the application structure. See, read & learn the code, effortlessly.
Yarn Task List: Interactive cli menu to list/run npm tasks with yarn
Generates an index.html with a list of files with links
- webpack
- index
- list
- links
- pages
- html
- index.html
- pagelinks
- overview
- htm
- html-index-pagelinks-webpack-plugin
- webpack-plugin
Interactive diagrams, charts, and graphs, such as trees, flowcharts, orgcharts, UML, BPMN, or business diagrams
Based on Maplibre, geoverview is a tool to display very easily any geojson (and the information it contains) on a map.
Interactive diagrams, charts, and graphs, such as trees, flowcharts, orgcharts, UML, BPMN, or business diagrams
Nuxt.js build module that generated a JSON file with a representation of the generated route structure in your Nuxt app.
Shows current location within the page
An Overview is a View that contains and keeps track of sub-views. Kind of like what a Collection is to a Model.
You can quickly build minimap with jointjs-minimap
`et-grunt` register tasks with ease. It is a task manager which makes your life easier.
Navigate through packages and its dependencies by a web browser.
A simple CLI tool to get an overview of the pulse of one or multiple repositories hosted on GitHub
Generates a quick visual overview of your project providing pictorial views (maps) of file and folder names, file and folder size, file and folder structure, component structure, dependency graph (assets), and extraneous file tracking.
Navigation bar and breadcrumbs
- breadcrumbs
- breadcrumb
- navigation
- symbols
- overview
- code search
- productivity
- angular
- angularjs
- commonjs
- dependencies
- es6
- es2015
- go to definition
- View more