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Industrial strength point in polygon test
Official node.js driver for OrientDB. Fast, lightweight, uses the binary protocol.
Official node.js driver for OrientDB. Fast, lightweight, uses the binary protocol.
A node.js driver for OrientDB
OrientDB ODM with support for schemas inspired by mongoose
OrientDB adapter for Waterline / Sails.js ORM
OrientDB adapter for Waterline / Sails.js ORM
Javascript driver for OrientDB with a Blueprints/Gremlin like syntax.
OrientDB session store for Connect
OrientDB connector for graphdb node module
OrientDB ODM with support for schemas inspired by mongoose
Consistently orient manifold patches of a 2D simplicial complex
OrientDB ODM with support for schemas inspired by mongoose
A Github label labeller. It's a cli tool for creating and updating Github issue label names and colours.
OrientDB ODM with support for schemas inspired by mongoose
Globally orient mesh using raytracing heuristics
Extract manifold patches from a mesh