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14 packages found
module to help display map content from OpenStreetMaps, Mapbox, and AGOL natively in Babylon.js
React Native Mapview component for iOS + Android. However this project is only Android tested.
React Native Mapview component for iOS + Android. However this project is only Android tested.
streaming open street maps protocol buffer parser
Streaming openstreetmap parser
streaming open street maps protocol buffer parser
Tools for geolocation <3
Combine osm.pbf files through osmconvert and NodeJS
Get all tiles of a web map in x,y,z coordinates for a specified bounding box and zoom.
Get GeoJSON from OpenStreetMaps
Streaming openstreetmap parser
React Native Mapview component for iOS + Android
Simple module for geocoding & reverse geocoding with OpenStreetMap. Caching ✔ - Promises ✔ - Rate Limit ✔ - Custom Endpoint ✔ - Automated tests ✔
An Angular service for Geocoding and Reverse Geocoding using the data stored at Open Street Map server