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58 packages found
Provides a smooth, zoomable user interface for HTML/Javascript.
Annotorious image annotation for OpenSeadragon
Text Viewer for Digital Objects (TIDO)
Draws overlay over a targetscan, and shows calibration info according to deltaE standards
Provides a smooth, zoomable user interface for HTML/Javascript.
Annotorious image annotation for OpenSeadragon
Annotorious image annotation for OpenSeadragon
A viewer for Storiiies
A text overlay layer for Annotorious OpenSeadragon
A OpenSeaDragon plugin to allow the use of FabricJS overlay
This is a custom openseadragon viewer.
OpenSeadragon viewer component for React using react-reconciler package.
An Annotorious plugin for annotating maps
An OpenSeadragon plugin that adds fabricjs canvas overlay capability.
Provides a smooth, zoomable user interface for HTML/Javascript. Forked from:
OpenSeadragon plugin which provides hooks into the viewer input event pipeline.
OpenSeadragon plugin which allows selecting areas on an image.
Minerva Author UI
Draws overlay over a targetscan, and shows calibration info according to deltaE standards
Provides a smooth, zoomable user interface for HTML/Javascript.