Search results

41 packages found

Node-Red node for controlling OLED displays

published version 1.0.5, 3 years ago0 dependents licensed under $MIT

5 x 7 system font suitable for oled libraries, in friendly JSON data format

published version 1.0.3, 7 years ago25 dependents licensed under $MIT

NodeJS module for controlling oled devices on the Raspbery Pi (including the SSD1306 OLED screens)

published version 1.0.12, 4 years ago8 dependents licensed under $MIT

Node-Red node for controlling OLED displays with SSD1306 and SH1106 drivers

published version 1.1.7, 2 years ago0 dependents licensed under $MIT

johnny-five compatible lib for oled devices

published version 5.1.2, 5 years ago9 dependents licensed under $MIT

NodeJS module for controlling oled devices on the Raspbery Pi (including the SSD1306 and SH1106 OLED screens)

published version 1.1.4, 2 years ago1 dependents licensed under $MIT

A set of fonts made for oled displays, compatible with oled-i2c-bus version 1.0.12 and higher.

published version 1.0.1, 4 years ago1 dependents licensed under $MIT

NodeJS Promise-based port adaptation of C/C++ Adafruit_SSD1306 from Github for SSD1309

published version 1.2.0, 9 months ago0 dependents licensed under $BSD-2-Clause

Node-Red node for controlling OLED displays

published version 1.0.12, 2 years ago0 dependents licensed under $MIT

convert png image data into an lcd compatible framebuffer

published version 1.1.0, 5 years ago4 dependents licensed under $MIT

Asynchronous NodeJS module for controlling oled devices on the Raspbery Pi (including the SSD1306 and SH1106 OLED screens)

published version 1.0.3, 3 months ago0 dependents licensed under $MIT

SSD1306, SSD1309, SSD1322, SSD1325, SSD1327, SSH1106, display rendering package. Works with the latest node.js version and will automatically recover from i2c errors.

published version 1.0.25, 5 years ago0 dependents licensed under $MIT

"oled-disp for raspberrypi, support hangul"

published version 1.2.7, 5 years ago0 dependents licensed under $MIT

NodeJS module for controlling oled devices on the Raspbery Pi (including the SSD1306 OLED screens)

published version 1.0.6, 8 years ago1 dependents licensed under $MIT

A npm package for the WaveShare PoE HAT (B) that allows control of the OLED and fan.

published version 1.0.3, 3 years ago0 dependents licensed under $MIT

JS wrapper for oled display based on ssd1306 C driver

published version 1.0.5, 4 years ago1 dependents licensed under $MIT

Node wrapper for Sparkfun Edison OLED Block. Includes wrappers around OLED, GPIO and SPI classes.

published version 0.0.5, 8 years ago0 dependents licensed under $MIT

NodeJS Promise-based port of C/C++ Adafruit-GFX-Library from Github

published version 1.1.0, 9 months ago6 dependents licensed under $BSD-2-Clause


published version 0.3.0, 5 years ago0 dependents licensed under $MIT

JS bindings for the OnionOmega OLED display

published version 0.0.2, 9 years ago0 dependents licensed under $MIT