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1970 packages found
semantic-release plugin to publish a npm package
Generic CLI tool to automate versioning and package publishing-related tasks.
- build
- changelog
- commit
- distribution
- git
- github
- gitlab
- interactive
- ci
- npm
- publish
- push
- release
- release-it
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A better `npm publish`
Fast, easy publishing to NPM
Safe and highly functional replacement for `npm publish`.
Publish your libraries to NPM with just one command
GitHub action to publish npm packages with semanantic versioning rules
📦 Opinionated NPM publish program
A template for publishing to npm
Some shell script for publishing directly into npmjs, using np.
Semantic-release plugin to publish a npm package with pnpm.
Matrix utilities used for Dok game engine
Recommended setup for releasing semantically using GitHub Actions workflows
- .releaserc.json
- automation
- changelog
- conventional-changelog
- git
- github-package-registry
- github-publish
- github
- npm-publish
- npm
- publish
- release.config.js
- release
- releaserc
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A library for showing Newgrounds medals.
Managing data client with a nice UI
Authentication system that validates users and provides auth tokens
UI menu for Dobuki Game Engine.
A component for games that tracks viewable cells in a 3d grid, and discards the ones outside the viewable range.