Search results
20 packages found
javascript integration for php flasher
- PHPFlasher
- flash messages
- javascript
- notification
- notify
- noty
- notyf
- php flasher
- plugin
- pnotify
- sweetalert
- toast
- yoeunes
javascript integration for php flasher
- PHPFlasher
- flash messages
- javascript
- notification
- notify
- noty
- notyf
- php flasher
- plugin
- pnotify
- sweetalert
- toast
- yoeunes
javascript integration for php flasher
- PHPFlasher
- flash messages
- javascript
- notification
- notify
- noty
- notyf
- php flasher
- plugin
- pnotify
- sweetalert
- toast
- yoeunes
javascript integration for php flasher
- PHPFlasher
- flash messages
- javascript
- notification
- notify
- noty
- notyf
- php flasher
- plugin
- pnotify
- sweetalert
- toast
- yoeunes
javascript integration for php flasher
- PHPFlasher
- flash messages
- javascript
- notification
- notify
- noty
- notyf
- php flasher
- plugin
- pnotify
- sweetalert
- toast
- yoeunes
javascript integration for php flasher
- PHPFlasher
- flash messages
- javascript
- notification
- notify
- noty
- notyf
- php flasher
- plugin
- pnotify
- sweetalert
- toast
- yoeunes
React Noty
Noty is a dependency-free notification library that makes it easy to create alert - success - error - warning - information - confirmation messages as an alternative the standard alert dialog. Each notification is added to a queue. (Optional)
Snackbar like notification for the web. Build for javascript promises.
- alerts
- notification
- jquery-plugin
- noty
- growl
- Snackbar
- toast
- toast notification
- native js
- ecosystem: javascript
Noty plugin for Vue.js 2 and 3
Noty plugin for Vue.js 2
jnoty is a jQuery plugin that show OS X's Growl like notification in web app.
An implementation of Noty2 in VueJS
Noty plugin for Vue.js 2 (incl. FontAwesome Support)
Noty plugin for Vue.js 1
Vue.js non-blocking notifications, based on [Noty.js](
Angular 2 component for notifying
- angular2
- angular 2
- ng2
- noty
- notify
- notifying
- notifier
- ng2-noty
- ng2-notify
- ng2-notifying
- ng2-notifier
- angular2-noty
- angular2-notify
- angular2-notifying
- View more
Angular 2 dialog component to combine confirm, alert and notifier
- angular2
- angular 2
- ng2
- dialog
- ng2-dialog
- angular2-dialog
- alert
- ng2-alert
- angular2-alert
- confirm
- confirmation
- ng2-confirm
- ng2-confirmation
- angular2-confirm
- View more