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11 packages found
A trusted Zendesk API client library for Node.js and the browser, lovingly maintained for over 10 years.
- zendesk
- api-client
- api-wrapper
- browser-library
- buddha
- chat-api
- customer-service
- customer-support
- helpdesk
- knowledge-base
- node-library
- rest-api
- sdk
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Create node cli with this user friendly boilerplate. Use this respository as template for your new npm command line interface project
- ptkdev
- npm-library
- make-npm-library
- create-npm-library
- npm-module-sample
- npx-example
- npx-cli
- node
- node-module
- node-library
- node-cli
- node-cli-bolerplate
- node-line-interface
- node-cmd
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A trusted Zendesk API client library for Node.js and the browser, lovingly maintained for over 10 years.
- zendesk
- api-client
- api-wrapper
- browser-library
- buddha
- chat-api
- customer-service
- customer-support
- helpdesk
- knowledge-base
- node-library
- rest-api
- sdk
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A trusted Zendesk API client library for Node.js and the browser, lovingly maintained for over 10 years.
- zendesk
- api-client
- api-wrapper
- browser-library
- buddha
- chat-api
- customer-service
- customer-support
- helpdesk
- knowledge-base
- node-library
- rest-api
- sdk
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Trustcaptcha library for nodejs with JavaScript/TypeScript
- captcha
- security
- nodejs
- trustcaptcha
- spam-protection
- bot-detection
- user-verification
- node-library
- backend-security
- server-security
- gdpr
- privacy
- made-in-germany
- eu
Create your npm library with this user friendly boilerplate. Use this respository as template for your new node library/module
- ptkdev
- node
- node-module
- node-library
- npm-module
- npm-library
- node-module-boilerplate
- node-library-boilerplate
- npm-module-boilerplate
- npm-library-boilerplate
- boilerplate
- github-template
build js library
- stan
- @planjs
- builder
- react
- react-compoments
- vue
- vue-compoments
- node
- node-library
- lib
- library
- babel
- rollup
- stan-builder
Create your telegram bot with this friendly boilerplate. Use this repository as template for your bot
- ptkdev
- node
- node-module
- node-library
- node-telegram-bot-boilerplate
- node-library-boilerplate
- boilerplate
- github-template
Create your discord bot with this friendly boilerplate. Use this repository as template for your bot
- ptkdev
- node
- node-module
- node-library
- node-discord-bot-boilerplate
- node-library-boilerplate
- boilerplate
- github-template
A simple package to lock package.json based on versions in package-lock.json
- ptkdev
- npm-library
- make-npm-library
- create-npm-library
- npm-module-sample
- npx-example
- npx-cli
- node
- node-module
- node-library
- node-cli
- node-cli-bolerplate
- node-line-interface
- node-cmd
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Node JS & Javascript functionalities