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The fastest Spanish DNI (NIE / NIF) validation out there.
Validate NIF, DNI, NIE and CIF documents easily.
Spanish id documents validator (NIF, CIF, NIE)
Validate and generate Portuguese specific identity numbers
Text mask for VAT identification number
A simple DNI (spanish ID document number) and NIE (id number for foreing people in spain) generators.
A validator for different types of personal ID for multiple countries.
A library to validate Portuguese fiscal number, NIF - Número de Identificação Fiscal.
Validate spanish NIF, NIE, CIF
Utilities for Spanish DNI
This is a [fonk]( microlibrary that brings validation capabilities to validate if a field of a form is a valid NIF (DNI, NIE and/or CIF)
Insomnia plugin for random valid portuguese NIFs
Validate and get more information from portuguese tax ID numbers