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128 packages found
A loader for [ngx-translate]( that loads translations using http.
> Compiler for ngx-translate that uses messageformat.js to compile translations using ICU syntax for handling pluralization and gender
Highly configurable and flexible translations loader for ngx-translate. Fetch multiple translations, each translation file gets it's own namespace by default
Angular pipe for cutting translations (plugin for ngx-translate)
Angular pipe for cutting translations (plugin for ngx-translate)
Extract strings from projects using ngx-translate
ngx-translate extension to facilitate language cache.
Core Lib for projects
Translation library (i18n) for Angular - maintained fork of @ngx-translate/core
http loader for dynamically loading translation files for @codeandweb/ngx-translate - maintained fork of @ngx-translate/http-loader
privacy Lib for projects
Simple tools for check `ngx-translate` keys in app
Extract strings from projects using ngx-translate
Phrase adapter for ngx-translate
forms Lib for projects
theme Lib for projects
Extract strings from projects using ngx-translate
Extract strings from projects using ngx-translate - Fork of @biesbjerg/ngx-translate-extract
Automatically translates JSON language files to other languages using Google Translate,AWS,Azure,DeepL,OpenAI or local OpenAI compatible server
The internationalization (i18n) library for Angular