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Algorithmically trade stocks and options using Robinhood, Yahoo Finance, and more.
Unofficial APIs for website.
Comprehensive client featuring RxJS Streams and a CLI for Robinhood Free Stock Trading. A drop in replacement for @aurbano obinhood which includes callback, promise and observable support.
- robinhood
- stocks
- broker
- algo
- trade
- trading
- options
- bluebird
- rxjs
- rx
- day-trading
- streaming
- finance
- market
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NASDAQ SoupBinTCP 3.00 client and server
Unofficial APIs for website.
Download actual price and daily tick data for given tickers from Edit
A lookup service for stock symbols and company names.
- stock symbol lookup
- stock symbol directory
- stock symbol list
- security symbol directory
- security
- security lookup
- security directory
- security list
- stock
- stocks
- symbol
- symbols
- lookup
- nasdaq
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Converts between company name and ticker symbol and vice versa
Node.js module to fetch stock halts from Nasdaq
Trading view trends
Library for accessing TDA Web API
Utility to lookup and validate NASDAQ Ticker Symbols
scraping enterprise list from nasdaq and their fundamentals from Yahoo.
list of initial public offering (IPO) dates for NASDAQ and NYSE stocks
stock/company name suggestions
Convert ticker symbols from NASDAQ, NYSE and AMEX into Reuters RIC and export them as custom lists for metastock.
Fetch and aggregate up to date lists of stocks on the NYSE, NASDAQ and AMEX, and use it as an API.
Unofficial APIs for website.
Unofficial APIs for website.
An extension of algotrader api by Ladinn, fixes the robinhood authentication issue.