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14 packages found
Multi-channel SDF font rendering & basic text layout for WebGL
Converts font files (.ttf, .otf, .woff, .woff2) to SDF format for Lightning 3's renderer, with added font metrics generation for SDF and Canvas Web fonts
Creates a BMFont compatible bitmap font of Signed-Distance Fields from a font file
Introducing babylon-msdf-text, that implements the Multi-channel Signed Distance Field (MSDF) technique for text rendering. This library provides developers with an efficient and straightforward way to render high-quality, scalable, and anti-aliased text
Creates a BMFont compatible bitmap font of Signed-Distance Fields from a font file
Creates a BMFont compatible bitmap font of Signed-Distance Fields from a font file
Creates a bitmap font of signed distance fields from a font file
japanese fonts for aframe
Bitmap font rendering for ThreeJS. Based on three-bmfont-text by Jam3 ( With more parameters, auto-loading and es6 syntax.
MSDF files typically used for frontend rendering of text in WebGL
base64 msdf fonts distributed as npm package
msdfgen bindings for Node.js (gtml-engine).