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MeCab wrapper for Node.js
Morphological analyzer for Japanese
mecab-ipadic seed dictionary reader
Yet another mecab wrapper for nodejs
JavaScript implementation of Japanese morphological analyzer
A library for story mapping based on user input with Mecab morphological analysis for Node.js
A MeCab-based morphological analyzer for Node.js
## How To Use
npm package for Cabocha
Annotate Curtiz2 Markdown files with Japanese natural language parsing
mecab morphological analyzer for kuroshiro
mecab-ko - a fork of Mecab, with support for both Japanese and Korean.
Unofficial Japanese text readability calculator based on 'jReadability' (
A web worker for Japanese morphological analysis in the browser using WASM.
Client library to access to mecabaas API.
this package help you to make serch-in-yoursite-system
Using mecab via node.js
JavaScript implementation of TermExtract
mecab for korean, support typescript