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24 packages found
Stateful hook that uses the matchMedia API.
A dead simple React Higher Order Component (HOC) that uses context for matching media queries
MatchMedia component library for vue
Match Media as a React hook!
The simple utility to debug a responsive layout
- front-end
- frontend
- web
- responsive
- responsive-ui
- mobile-first
- layout
- media query
- media
- matchmedia
- match-media
- debug
A hook for the react library to detect media query matches.
Observe window.resize and fire corresponding events with given object data.
A dead simple React Higher Order Component (HOC) that uses context for matching media queries
React component to provide media query matches in context
mock window.matchMedia for tests or node
Universal polyfill for match media API using Expo APIs on mobile
A Vue.js plugin that offers a consistent, semantic approach to making components media query-aware.
React component to provide media query matches in context
VueJS plugin that adds reactive CSS based media-queries to your component instances without resize listeners.
a match-media plugin for svelte
Simple React hook for breakpoints detection with window.matchMedia (SSR friendly)
detect viewport size according to your configuration!
Library to control the design of your application using media queries
Universal polyfill for match media API using Expo APIs on mobile
Universal polyfill for match media API using Expo APIs on mobile