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19 packages found
Node module to mask various kinds of data in the required formats
- mask
- data
- datamask
- maskdata
- hide data
- mask data
- mask sensitive
- mask password
- mask card
- mask json
- mask string
- mask object
- recursive mask json
- Get json fields
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Tiny, zero-dependencies, package which tries to mask sensitive data in arbitrary collections, errors, objects and strings.
Detect whether a terminal or browser supports ansi colors.
- anolilab
- visulima
- redact
- mask
- maskdata
- masked
- gdpr
- censor
- serialize
- stringify
- filter
- masker
- masking
- conseal
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Mask sensitive data, eg. credit card numbers, phone numbers, emails, UUIDs, JWT tokens.
A log/text sanitizer and masker
A flexible module to mask sensitive properties in objects with customizable options, for both Node.js and browser
List of sensitive fields that should be masked, obfuscated, or purged for security purposes
DataVeil is a robust and versatile library designed to mask sensitive data, ensuring data privacy and security in your applications.
Masks sensitive data
- mask
- sensitive data
- data
- maskdata
- datamask
- mask sensitive
- mask password
- mask string
- mask number
- mask boolean
- mask object fields
- mask array values
Masking helpers for Sensitive data
Mask sensitive data strings and only expose certain parts
- An npm package for masking sensitive data, built for both the ECMAScript Module format (i.e. ESM or ES Module) and CommonJS Module format (CJS). It can be used in Node.js and browser applications. - Utilizing DataMasting for sensitive information within
Remove all sensitive information from the logs, before sharing them with support
mask sensitive json
A convenient way to hide sensitive input data using placeholder attribute.