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A promise based ljm wrapper with expanded device functionality for the ljswitchboard project
Library dedicated only to storing important LJM constants
A node project dedicated to finding ALL LabJack devices that are able to be connected to.
Library that allows easy parsing of the LabJack modbus map
A library that contains a variety of formatters for data coming and going to LabJack devices.
A simple module to collect and cache important device firmware and software version numbers available for users to download.
A small node/node-webkit project loader for ljswitchboard that loads files into the global.ljswitchboard namespace
Library dedicated only to storing important LJM constants
This is a node.js library utilizing the winreg library to query for windows registry keys which are used by the LabJack logging applications to determine their current working directories.
A node project dedicated to finding ALL LabJack devices that are able to be connected to.
A tool to verify and extract information saved in LabJack's firmware .bin files.
A simple data logger for LabJack devices.
A library that assists the ljswitchboard in managing multiple windows and exiting when they are all closed.
The splash screen
A simple data logger for LabJack devices.
A promise based ljm wrapper with expanded device functionality for the ljswitchboard project
Library that allows easy parsing of the LabJack modbus map
A library that contains a variety of formatters for data coming and going to LabJack devices.
A tool to verify and extract information saved in LabJack's firmware .bin files.
This is a node.js library utilizing the winreg library to query for windows registry keys which are used by the LabJack logging applications to determine their current working directories.