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25 packages found
TypeScript Library Scaffold.
A collection of react components and helpers to assist in building applications for the Royal Navy
An easy way to start a Node.js library
start rollup typescript develop javascript lib
> Create library scaffolding by typing one-line command.
A meta-package that groups the most useful npm packages into one, making developers' lives easier.
A collection of react components and helpers to assist in building applications for the Defence Digital
a starter for typescript lib
starter library for angular4 component modules
👉🏼 A starter kit for your new library, using rollup, mocha, chai and nyc
Starterkit for React libraries
A collection of react components and helpers to assist in building applications for the Defence Digital
start a rollup project quickly :)
This is a start kit for developing ECMAScript standard EM Modules format library with TypeScript. is a light starter toolkit to start and organize quickly an application with Node.js. provides useful features through Node.js modules chosen for the performance and productivity gains.
a ui library