Search results
14 packages found
An autocomplete component that searches for contacts while you type.
An autocomplete component that searches for cities while you type.
Tries to recursively resolve shortened links in the message field of ActivityItems whenever they're saved to the database.
Example of a core PGP key manager that can be accessed by plugins
Filter conditions for ActivityItems which contain or don't contain specific text
Tag support for filtering activity items
Filter by tag or add tags based on filters
Filter actions to mark ActivityItems as read or unread
Basic filter Condition/Action framework, allowing plugins to provide conditions to filter ActivityItems on, and actions to take if all/any of the conditions are met.
Adds topics to activity items using Named Entity Recognition (using Stanford NER)
Computes scores for activity items and their properties
Text yo self before you wreck yo self
Connect to the AWS API, currently only implementing SES for email notifications
Provides a public API to search for NPM modules with the tag `kerplunk-plugin`