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90 packages found
Convert between keyboard keycodes and keynames and vice versa.
get a keyboard key definition from event
Check whether a browser event matches a hotkey.
Node.js IO hook
A smart keyboard events dispatcher.
Action to move node on mousedown & mousemove
Toukey is a Javascript library for keyboard shortcuts
uni-app 全局按键事件监听
Check whether a browser event matches a hotkey.
Node.js global keyboard and mouse hook
Tiny, dependency-free library to manage keyboard shortcuts in your application.
This is a package to track mouse and keyboard events
- Mouse Tracker
- Keyboard Tracker
- Tracker
- hook
- electron
- nw.js
- listener
- mousemove
- keypress
- keyup
- global keypress
- shortcut
Simple to use (Angular) textbox for controlling input while typing.
Node.js global keyboard and mouse hook
Node.js global keyboard and mouse hook (fork)
Utility to listen for keyboard events
Node.js global keyboard and mouse hook
A Simple EmberJS Addon that supports keyboard navigation inside the list.
A lightweight JavaScript library for interpreting event key and character codes across browsers.
Node.js global keyboard and mouse hook