Search results
166 packages found
Simple key-value storage with support for multiple backends
Redis storage adapter for Keyv
Serialization for keyv
SQLite storage adapter for Keyv
PostgreSQL storage adapter for Keyv
MongoDB storage adapter for Keyv
Memoize any function using Keyv as storage backend.
general key-value store on sql/level/mongo/redis for fibjs
Memcache storage adapter for Keyv
MySQL/MariaDB storage adapter for Keyv
Simple key-value storage with support for multiple backends
Parent class for SQL based Keyv storage adapters
Test suite for Keyv API compliancy
Layered cache with any backend
Etcd storage adapter for Keyv
SQLite storage adapter for Keyv
A file storage adapter for Keyv
Adding offline capabilities for your keyv instance.
Adds compression bindings for your Keyv instance, saving as much space as you can.
MongoDB storage adapter for Keyv