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The lodash method `_.kebabCase` exported as a module.
Common JavaScript/TypeScript helper functions for better minification
Convert into a lower cased text with dashes between words
{camel,constant,dot,kebab,pascal,snake,space} case it.
- case
- camel
- camelcase
- camel-case
- constant
- constantcase
- constant-case
- dot
- dotcase
- dot-case
- kebab
- kebabcase
- kebab-case
- pascal
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Convert object keys to kebab-case
Transform object keys easily using whatever transform function
The simplest slugify module in the universe.
- slugify
- slug
- urlify
- dashify
- dashcase
- dash-case
- kebabify
- kebabcase
- kebab-case
- hyphenate
- hyphencase
- hyphen-case
- skewer
Convert object keys to snake case
- obj
- object
- key
- keys
- iterate
- deep
- recurse
- recursive
- decamelize
- decamelcase
- camelcase
- camel-case
- lowercase
- lower-case
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A utility for converting strings between different case formats.
- string
- case
- converter
- camelcase
- pascalcase
- snakecase
- kebabcase
- constantcase
- titlecase
- dotcase
- nocase
- sentencecase
- pathcase
- formatter
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Converts object keys or array of objects' keys to different case styles
- camel
- camelcase
- camel-case
- camelcasify
- snake
- snakecase
- snake-case
- snakecasify
- kebab
- kebabcase
- kebab-case
- kebabcasify
- start
- startcase
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eslint-plugin-hub is a powerful, flexible ESLint plugin that provides a curated set of rules to enhance code readability, maintainability, and prevent common errors. Whether you're working with vanilla JavaScript, TypeScript, React, or Angular, eslint-plu
- eslint
- eslint-plugin
- eslintplugin
- hub
- eslint-plugin-react
- eslint-plugin-angular
- eslint-plugin-typescript
- eslint-plugin-js
- coding-standards
- pluginHub
- linter
- lint
- react
- angular
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Test if a value is a string in kebab case.
a collection of all kind of scripts, codes and tools with universal appliance - this toolkit should fits great to your disguises, outfits and attires
Letter Case Transformer
- case-style
- BiCaps
- camelCase
- snake_case
- snakecase
- kebab-case
- kebabcase
- StUdLyCaPs
- studly-caps
- PascalCase
- pascal-case
- pothole case
- potholecase
- Sentence case
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string manipulation library
A TypeScript utility for transforming object keys between different case styles with full type safety
- typescript
- case
- transform
- camelcase
- snakecase
- kebabcase
- pascalcase
- case-transformer
- object-keys
- type-safe
- change-case
- changecase
A collection of useful string manipulation functions.
A library that intelligently converts strings between camelCase, snake_case, kebab-case, and PascalCase with options for handling acronyms.
Rename project files to kebabCase
convert camelCase to kebab-case