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Convert a JSON feed to an atom feed
Convert a JSON feed to an rss feed
TypeScript types for JSON Feed 1.1.
Generate RSS and JSON feeds for a Gatsby website at custom location
Generate Custom RSS and JSON feeds for a Gatsby website at custom location, extring this plugin from @u-blox/custom-feed-builder-gatsby which does not support non standard values in feed
An Eleventy plugin for generating a JSON Feed using the Nunjucks templating engine.
Discovers and parses news, blog and podcast posts from any website
Grabs feed and entry data out of an RSS, Atom or JSON Feed file
A Metalsmith plugin for generating a JSON Feed from a collection.
A Gatsby plugin to generate RSS, JSON and Atom feeds using Feed by jpmonette
Generate RSS and JSON feeds for a Gatsby blog
jsonfeed-to-rss googleplay support
Hexo plugin to generate a JSON feed as per the specification
Convert a JSON feed to an rss feed
Hexo plugin to generate a JSON feed as per the specification
Metalsmith plugin to generate RSS and JSON feeds from Contentful posts.