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151 packages found
Validate XML, Parse XML, Build XML without C/C++ based libraries
Perform rapid conversation and validation of JSON structure between Postman Collection Format v1 and v2
A convertor between XML text and Javascript object / JSON text.
- xml
- js
- json
- cdata
- doctype
- processing instruction
- Javascript
- js2xml
- json2xml
- xml2js
- xml2json
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Simple tRPC transformer based on superjson with Decimal.js support
Gatsby transformer plugin for JSON files
An Axios transformer for seamlessly converting ISO 8601 formatted date strings with millisecond precision to JavaScript Date objects. Simplify handling of Date objects in JSON responses with this lightweight utility.
Transforms the Apex code coverage JSON created during Salesforce deployments and test runs into the Generic Test Coverage Format (XML) for SonarQube.
A universal class for creating any JSON objects and simple manipulations with them.
A TypeScript transformer that generates JSON schemas and validators from TypeScript interfaces
Generates schemas and types from OpenAPI specifications
- openapi
- openapi3
- swagger
- api
- json-schema
- typescript
- codegen
- code-generation
- autogenerate
- schema
- api-design
- api-development
- rest-api
- oas
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A convertor between XML text and Javascript object / JSON text.
- xml
- js
- json
- cdata
- doctype
- processing instruction
- Javascript
- js2xml
- json2xml
- xml2js
- xml2json
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A JavaScript package to disassemble then transform XML files into smaller JSON files.
Apply schema-defined transformations and conversions to JSON.
parcel transformer for gleam
Transform an Object that was transformed to return only the original properties recursively picked if they are not undefined.
The Ultimate JSON Transformer package is an implementation of `stream.Transform` designed to be an ultra fast transform stream of JSON data in Node.js applications. Utilizing the power of Node.js streams, it provides a flexible way to parse, validate, an
Typescript-based JSON API serialisation/deserialisation
✍ Easy to use local JSON database
✍ Easy to use local JSON database
Object Mapper with the configuration of JsonPath selector
- jsonpath
- jpath
- json mapping
- json mapper
- json transform
- json transformer
- object mapping
- object mapper
- object transform
- object transformer
- property mapping
- property mapper
- json
- mapping
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