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1000+ packages found
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JavaScript utilities with respect to emerging standard
Polygon/polyline processing utilities
JavaScript Testing utilities for React
- javascript
- shallow rendering
- shallowRender
- test
- reactjs
- react
- flux
- testing
- test utils
- assertion helpers
- tdd
- mocha
Utilities for perspective-enabled Web Mercator projections
JavaScript Testing utilities for React
- javascript
- shallow rendering
- shallowRender
- test
- reactjs
- react
- flux
- testing
- test utils
- assertion helpers
- tdd
- mocha
Reactive utilities for Embla Carousel
JavaScript Testing utilities for React
- javascript
- shallow rendering
- shallowRender
- test
- reactjs
- react
- flux
- testing
- test utils
- assertion helpers
- tdd
- mocha
JavaScript Testing utilities for React
- javascript
- shallow rendering
- shallowRender
- test
- reactjs
- react
- flux
- testing
- test utils
- assertion helpers
- tdd
- mocha
JavaScript Testing utilities for React
- javascript
- shallow rendering
- shallowRender
- test
- reactjs
- react
- flux
- testing
- test utils
- assertion helpers
- tdd
- mocha
Documentation generation utilities for Appium and related projects
Collection of JavaScript / TypeScript utilities
Javascript Utilities
Inquirer testing utilities
- answer
- answers
- ask
- base
- cli
- command
- command-line
- confirm
- enquirer
- generate
- generator
- hyper
- input
- inquire
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A collection of utilities shared across the other packages.
Utilities to get and check variable types (isString, isPlainObject, isRegExp, etc)
- array
- assert
- assertion
- async
- async function
- async-function
- asyncFunction
- bool
- boolean
- browser
- check
- check-type
- checking
- class
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Useful JS utilities.
Configuration utilities for building Custom Applications
viewport utilities module
- width
- height
- window
- browser
- viewport
- javascript
- dimensions
- responsive
- innerWidth
- innerHeight
- clientWidth
- clientHeight
- media queries
- ender
Utilities package for enhancing discordx functionality
Utilities for working with input components.