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Spectacular Test Runner for JavaScript.
Buildkite Test Analytics collectors for JavaScript test frameworks
A Sonar test reporter for Jest.
- sonar
- sonarqube
- jest
- reporter
- processor
- test
- jest reporter
- jest sonar reporter
- sonarcloud
- javascript
- typescript
Easy test setup without side effects
Extension of eslint-config-signavio with some tweaks for test environments
A collection of test utilities used across Appium packages
A simple test framework for JavaScript
Test if a given value is falsey.
A set of SCXML tests, and an HTTP client test runner for testing against SCXML HTTP test servers.
Test your Markdown files for Standard JavaScript Style™
Test environment for fitness to run Appium
Test data
this is a test package to test
a test library for node.js
- test-runner
- supposed
- javascript
- tap
- assert
- nodejs
- unit-testing
- node
- tdd
- bdd
- ddd
- testing
- test-framework
- ava
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Test & mock friendly WebGL detection utility.
Test utilities for Appium drivers
Javascript Diacritics Utility to test for and remove accents/diacritics in strings.
Creates an array with all elements that pass the test by the provided function.
A/B test sample size calculator which uses a two-tailed sequential likelihood ratio test with false discovery rate controls to calculate statistical significance.
A test runner for sketch plugins