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142 packages found
A well-tested email minifier based on TypeScript for browser and Node.js
- compress
- compressor
- css
- html
- htmlmin
- bigemail
- emailmin
- javascript
- min
- minification
- minifier
- minify
- optimize
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Fun email development environment
Javascript library made to validate, several form fields, such as: email, images, phone, password, cpf etc.
- validator
- multiform
- validação
- email-validator
- multiform-validator
- javascript
- npm
- security
- safe
- pentest
- security-tools
- Validator
- validate
- magic number
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Cypress Commands for Mailpit 💌
Easy-YOPMail (get mail address, inbox and read mail from YOPMail with nodeJS)
nodemailer Nuxt Module
- javascript
- typescript
- nodemailer
- npm-package
- nuxt
- nuxt-module
- nuxt3
- nuxt3-module
- server
- webdevelopment
✅ Validation library for ES6+ modules
- validation
- validate
- validatees
- javascript
- ES
- typescript
- node
- falsy
- truthy
- nullish
- matchers
- types
- password
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Parses Gmail API's GET method to iGmail object. Typescript
This is a simple package that used to send email-otp using node-mailer
hixme-ui Email component
A module for generating, sending, and validating OTPs (One-Time Passwords) with support for custom email sending logic.
- One-Time Password
- Email Verification
- Node.js
- MongoDB
- Mongoose
- Email Validation
- Custom Email Callback
- SMTP Configuration
- User Authentication
- Security
- GeoIP
- Device Information
- Confidence Score
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Disposable email utilities for automation testing
Adds email sending capability to a Nuxt.js app. Adds a server route, an injected variable, and uses nodemailer to send emails.
- express
- frontend
- inject
- javascript
- nodemailer
- npm
- npm-package
- nuxt
- nuxt-module
- nuxtjs
- nuxtjs-module
- server
ETL toolkit which supports RxJS streams, error handling, business rules and many more
- etl
- typescript
- nodejs
- rxjs
- ixjs
- generator
- stream
- google translate
- magento
- trello
- zendesk
- telegram
- sms
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Nusantara Valid is a data validator to validate any Indonesian specific civil data such as nik, nip, and many more.
- validator
- javascript
- indonesia
- atm
- credit-card
- nik
- nip
- nisn
- npwp
- tnkb
- postcode
- mobile-number
- telephone-number
A straightforward Node.js library that enables you to launch your own native incoming SMTP server, effortlessly.
Adds email sending capability to a Nuxt.js app. Adds a server route, an injected variable, and uses nodemailer to send emails.
- frontend
- inject
- javascript
- nodemailer
- npm
- npm-package
- nuxt
- nuxt-module
- nuxtjs
- nuxtjs-module
- server
- webdevelopment
Adds email sending capability to a Nuxt.js app. Adds a server route, an injected variable, and uses nodemailer to send emails.
- frontend
- inject
- javascript
- nodemailer
- npm
- npm-package
- nuxt
- nuxt-module
- nuxtjs
- nuxtjs-module
- server
- webdevelopment
@xdanangelxoqenpm/ullam-voluptas-dolorum is a Node.js module to mask various kinds of data. With the help of @xdanangelxoqenpm/ullam-voluptas-dolorum, you can mask email, phone number, card number, JSON fields, password, etc... <br/>Also, it provides uti
- stringify
- dataView
- function
- configurable
- Array.prototype.findLastIndex
- linux
- es
- core-js
- toolkit
- merge
- trimStart
- higher-order
- findLast
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