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Helper functions and features for IsaacScript mods.
ISAAC is a CSPRNG designed by Robert J. Jenkins Jr. in 1996 and based on RC4. It is designed to be fast and secure.
TypeScript definitions for The Binding of Isaac: Repentance.
TypeScript definitions for REPENTOGON, an exe-hack which expands the modding API for Repentance.
A command line tool for managing Isaac mods written in TypeScript.
Spelling dictionaries for The Binding of Isaac: Repentance.
Isaac base JS ESLint config for ES6, following our styleguide
Info from TBoIA+
Your very own isaacs.
ISAAC cryptographically-secure psuedorandom number generator (CSPRNG) NPM package written in TypeScript
TypeScript definitions for Stats+ extensions.
This library was created to provide a single package with all information regarding the Binding of Isaac: Four Souls card game. This is NOT the game itself, this is just all the cards pertaining to the game in a library that allows you to create each deck
Isaac base SCSS Stylelint config, following our styleguide
Test cases for an ISAAC random generator
Lua polyfills for The Binding of Isaac: Repentance.
Isaac Murchie's Contact Info
Node.js Isaac connection wrapper
my (sack griffey's) resume
Isaac's pokemon test
a fancy resume and portfolio of my stuff