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Checks if array contains an infix.
A collection of common string functions.
- extra
- string
- at
- infix
- isInfix
- isPrefix
- isSuffix
- left
- prefix
- right
- size
- suffix
- CompareFunction
- MapFunction
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Counts occurrences of values.
- extra
- array
- bsearch
- bsearchAny
- bsearchClosest
- bsearchRight
- chunk
- compare
- concat$
- copy$
- copy
- copyWithin
- count
- countAllOn
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Counts occurrences of values.
- extra
- array
- bsearch
- bsearchAny
- bsearchClosest
- bsearchRight
- chunk
- compare
- concat$
- copy$
- copy
- copyWithin
- count
- countAllOn
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Flattens nested array to given depth.
- extra
- array
- bsearch
- bsearchAny
- bsearchClosest
- bsearchRight
- chunk
- compare
- concat$
- copy$
- copy
- copyWithin
- count
- countAllOn
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Binary searches rightmost value in sorted array.
Flattens nested array to given depth.
- extra
- array
- bsearch
- bsearchAny
- bsearchClosest
- bsearchRight
- chunk
- compare
- concat$
- copy$
- copy
- copyWithin
- count
- countAllOn
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Inserts a value to an ordered array.
Builds array from a seed value (dual to foldr).
Returns evenly spaced values within given interval.
- extra
- array
- bsearch
- bsearchAny
- bsearchClosest
- bsearchRight
- chunk
- compare
- concat$
- copy$
- copy
- copyWithin
- count
- countAllOn
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Binary searches rightmost value in sorted array.
Inserts a value to an ordered array.
Builds array from a seed value (dual to foldr).
A collection of common string functions {web}.
- extra
- string
- at
- infix
- isInfix
- isPrefix
- isSuffix
- left
- prefix
- right
- size
- suffix
- CompareFunction
- MapFunction
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Returns evenly spaced values within given interval.
- extra
- array
- bsearch
- bsearchAny
- bsearchClosest
- bsearchRight
- chunk
- compare
- concat$
- copy$
- copy
- copyWithin
- count
- countAllOn
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Binary searches closest value in sorted array.
Binary searches closest value in sorted array.
Inserts a value to an ordered array.
Binary searches leftmost value in sorted array.
Binary searches leftmost value in sorted array.