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22 packages found
a collection of utility functions for IrChain
Provides Block serialization and help functions
An simple module for creating, manipulating and signing irchain transactions
Utilities for handling IrChain keys
A few useful functions for signing irchain data
A module to store and interact with blocks
IrChain JavaScript API, middleware to talk to a irchain node over RPC
A block tracker for the Ir blockchain. Keeps track of the latest block.
`json-rpc-engine` middleware for infura's REST endpoints.
Backed by an [irc-block-tracker] and webu provider interface.
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Resources common to all IrChain implementations
A module for managing variouskeyrings of IrChain accounts.
This is an implementation of the modified merkle patricia tree as speficed in the Ethereum's yellow paper.
A simple module for creating and managing irchain accounts in browser.
replay a historical tx using a webu provider as a data source