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A simple module for bitwise-xor on buffers
PostCSS for CSS-in-JS and styles in JS objects
Use logical properties and values in CSS
Parse CSS inline style to JavaScript object.
Use two values display syntax for inner and outer display types.
- block
- css
- display
- flex
- flow
- flow-root
- grid
- inline
- inline-block
- inline-flex
- inline-grid
- inline-table
- list-item
- postcss-plugin
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Karma plugin for inline sourcemap support
Use vb and vi length units in CSS
Use logical values in the resize property
PostCSS plugin to rebase or inline on url().
Adds source mappings and base64 encodes them, so they can be inlined in your generated file.
Inlines img, script and link tags into the same file.
Use flow-relative (inline-start and inline-end) values for float and clear
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Universal styling for reusable React components
React component used to build inline-editable components
Create DataURI scheme easily
browserify compatible version of the ace editor.
Get the content of style tags.
Inline css into an html file.
React component for Feather icons