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36 packages found
A native JS crafted message notification component, encompassing features for displaying messages, warnings, successes, and errors.
Utility module to print pretty messages on SIGINFO/SIGUSR1
Provide contextual feedback messages for typical user actions with the handful of available and flexible alert messages.
- angular
- ngx
- alert-message
- notify
- notifier
- ng
- message
- toast
- component
- primary
- info
- warning
- success
- show-alert
- View more
Inspect on any user, channel or message
a jsx component to display success message
Webcomponent dile-info-box to create a custom-styled box containing a message
Web component that displays custom messages when hovering HTML elements.
TypeScript logger that can be queried for log messages.
Lightweight logging library for any Node 10+ applications
React toast messages
Build message banner, intended for information messages during multi stage builds.
Flash message middleware for Koa and Passport
A simple alert to notify users about new chat messages, something went wrong or everything is ok.
console log logger gulp notification browser node message
A console panel in webpage to help 3 use-cases: show console message automatically ; debug mobile ; debug IE/Edge
A simple alert to notify users about new chat messages, something went wrong or everything is ok.
![img]( ![img](
'DvAlert' is a custom alert box built with JavaScript. It allows developers to create custom alert messages with a variety of options, including custom titles and types (e.g. success, error, warning, info, simple alert,conform box , input box). DvAlert is
- custom alert
- reactjs alert
- react custom alert
- electron alert
- electron custom alert
- custom alert box
- success
- error
- warning
- info
- simple alert
- confirm box
- input box
A simple alert to notify users about new chat messages, something went wrong or everything is ok.
Agnostic and responsive notifications javascript module