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905 packages found

A visibility based trigger for loading more data.

published version 1.0.20, 4 years ago2 dependents licensed under $Apache-2.0

This is a component for infinite scrolling loading list data

published version 0.2.0, a day ago0 dependents licensed under $MIT

This is a component for infinite scrolling loading list data

published version 1.0.6, a day ago0 dependents licensed under $MIT

An infinite scroll component for Svelte apps

published version 1.4.0, 8 months ago5 dependents licensed under $MIT

Infinite scroll initiator with loading indicator

published version 5.2.2, a year ago0 dependents licensed under $MIT

InfiniteLoader component inspired by react-virtualized but for use with react-window

published version 1.0.9, 2 years ago204 dependents licensed under $MIT

An Infinite Scroll component in react.

published version 6.1.0, 4 years ago613 dependents licensed under $MIT

A tiny but mighty list virtualization component for svelte, with zero dependencies 💪

published version 2.1.2, 8 months ago5 dependents licensed under $MIT

A Svelte action that monitors an element enters or leaves the viewport or a parent element. Performant and efficient thanks to using Intersection Observer under the hood.

published version 4.0.4, 4 months ago7 dependents licensed under $MIT

React components for efficiently rendering large, scrollable lists and tabular data

published version 1.8.11, a month ago2027 dependents licensed under $MIT

Standalone version of the AutoSizer component from react-virtualized

published version 1.0.25, a month ago863 dependents licensed under $MIT

Handle infinite scroll on websites with puppeteer

published version 2.0.0, a year ago19 dependents licensed under $MIT

React components for efficiently rendering large, scrollable lists and tabular data

published version 9.22.5, 2 years ago1730 dependents licensed under $MIT

<img src="" width="229" />

published version 4.12.3, 2 months ago326 dependents licensed under $MIT

Infinite scroll component for React in ES6

published version 1.2.6, 3 years ago544 dependents licensed under $MIT

Test if a double-precision floating-point numeric value is infinite.

published version 0.2.2, 6 months ago46 dependents licensed under $Apache-2.0

A browser-ready efficient scrolling container based on UITableView

published version 0.13.0, 7 years ago66 dependents licensed under $BSD-3-Clause

Infinite scroll component for Vue.js

published version 0.2.6, 6 years ago1 dependents licensed under $MIT

Swiper/carousel component for React Native with previews, multiple layouts, parallax images, performant handling of huge numbers of items, and RTL support. Compatible with Android & iOS.

published version 3.9.1, 5 years ago209 dependents licensed under $BSD-3-Clause

Wrapper of react-infinite-scroller to shape better with a loading request list rendering

published version 1.5.1, 5 years ago0 dependents licensed under $MPL-2.0