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PropType validators that work with Immutable.js.
React PureRenderMixin replacement for immutable-js library
PropType validators that work with Immutable.js
A fast js lib of immutable data, based on shallow copy on read and mark modified on write mechanism
Support for ImmutableJS collections in Angular 1.x
High performance engine maintaining a complex immutable state for online applications
Tiny observable wrapper around Immutable JS with rewind/replay support
Transducer engine in Javascript that provides flow-typed support transducer recipes
A collection of io-ts codecs for the immutable collections from immutable-js
A state package for Cerebral
High performance sequence engine in Javascript that optimizes execution of sequences in Immutable.js
PropType validators that work with Immutable.js.
High Order Component for efficient partial functions in reactjs callbacks
Lightweight library based on ImmutableJS to handle optimistic updates
PropType validators that work with Immutable.js.
util tools for immutable js
A bare-bones yeoman generator built from create-react-app with some additions to make it easy to kick-start and manage projects that use react redux redux-saga material-ui jss and immutable-js
PropType validators that work with Immutable.js.
React PureRenderMixin replacement for immutable-js library
algorithm implementations using immutable-js