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46 packages found
Nice image overlay effects for React
Plain wrapper that renders full image preview on child image tag click
Lightweight and dependency free JavaScript library for displaying images, videos and other content on a web page.
Inserts text to image and returns the image as a binary file.
React Native modal component for viewing images as a sliding gallery + Adding text or icon watermark to your image
🖼️ PixMix - An intuitive image composer.
Stlightbox is a lightweight and customizable JavaScript lightbox plugin that allows you to display images and videos in a beautiful overlay.
Made with create-react-library
Easily add watermarks to your web pages for branding, copyright protection, and content security.
Create Photoshop like gradient overlay effects in HTML page with canvas support from any images or any div elements with positioned background.
Leaflet overlay plugin: L.CustomLayer - fully custom Layer.
Javascript lightweight library for image overlays, no dependencies.
Shows full size image in a overlay maintaining the aspect ratio
An image slideshow with react
A simple and fast jQuery lightbox alternative.
Add overlays on top of ImageBackground proptypes commented out due to bug with react-native 0.69.6
quick & dirty image manipulation using HTML5 canvas
Beautiful and semantically correct Captions for your images
use graphicsmagic to overlay a second copy at a random offset using the Add comosition. It looks trippy.