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Apple Data Compression (ADC) Scheme
A client side JavaScript image compression library
Compress Image, Video, and Audio same like Whatsapp & Auto/Manual Compression | Background Upload | Download File | Create Video Thumbnail
- react-native
- ios
- android
- audio
- image
- compression
- video
- compress
- compress-images
- compress-videos
- react-native-compress
- react-native-compressor
- compress-audio
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Minify size your images. Image compression with extension: jpg/jpeg, svg, png, gif.
- image-compress
- compress images
- images compress
- img
- minifier
- image mini
- picture
- photo
- minify image
- image minify
- image
- compression
- image compression
- compression image
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A client side JavaScript image compression library. Forked from compress.js (alextanhongpin), and improved rewrite by David Moodie.
React library for the selection, edition and compression of images in png, jpeg and webp formats.
- react
- image picker
- image upload
- image editor
- image filters
- image compression
- image
- compress image
- cropping images
Help the image complete compression and support rotation operations at any angle.
compression local images
To resize or compress image file by weight and height. Image compression with extension: jpg/jpeg, svg, png, gif.
- font-end image compress
- fontend image compress
- ui image compress
- image-compress
- image-resize
- compress images
- images compress
- img
- minifier
- image mini
- picture
- photo
- minify image
- image minify
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Cordova plugin for Spectrum image compression library
A simple npm package for image compression powered by FFMPEG.
Image optimization and compression for the web.
Simple Image Editing & Compression Tool.
tool for image compression
Advanced Lazy-Loading and Compression with Svelte/SvelteKit and Hygraph
Angular library for the selection, edition and compression of images in png, jpeg and webp formats.
- angular
- image picker
- image upload
- image editor
- image filters
- image compression
- image
- compress image
- cropping images
Compression and conversion of images for gulp using sharp.
An image compression tool run in browser while @squoosh/lib can not.
JavaScript image compressor.
Node.js wrapper for some images compression algorithms