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Image augmentation library for machine learning in javascript.
- image
- tensorflow
- tensorflowjs
- opencv4nodejs
- augmentation
- augment
- imgaug
- opencv
- img
- combinatoire
- hasard
- random
- generation
- ml
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Image augmentation library and cli for machine learning tasks
- image
- augment
- augmentation
- machine-learning
- deep-learning
- image-processing
- cli
- typescript
- sharp
- image-manipulation
- data-augmentation
- image-augmentation
- rotate
- scale
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Basic image augmentation Node.js library for machine learning in Javascript
Detect the file type of a file, stream, or data
get dimensions of any image file
High performance Node.js image processing, the fastest module to resize JPEG, PNG, WebP, GIF, AVIF and TIFF images
Display resolution-dependent images using the image-set() function in CSS
A pure javascript JPEG encoder and decoder
Canvas graphics API backed by Cairo
The smallest and fastest pixel-level image comparison library.
Windows MetaFile (WMF) parser
Check if a string is SVG
React easy to use image component
A javascript library to extract Exif metadata from images, in node and in the browser.
A pure javascript BMP encoder and decoder
Small, fast and advanced PNG / APNG encoder and decoder
Image Quantization Library in **TypeScript** *(MIT Licensed)*
- image
- palette
- quantization
- quantizer
- color
- neuquant
- rgbquant
- xiaolin wu
- cie94 distance
- ciede2000
- dithering
- floyd-steinberg
An image processing library written entirely in JavaScript.
Image structural similarity (SSIM). In TypeScript/JavaScript. For browser/server.
Include Flmngr file manager server-side into your Express app or website