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20 packages found
Utilities for working with iJavaScript - a Jupyter Kernel
Generic Node.js kernel for the Jupyter notebook
Node.js module for creating, parsing and replying to messages of the Jupyter Messaging Protocol (JMP)
Node.js Evaluation Loop (NEL): module to run a Node.js REPL session
Generic Node.js kernel for the Jupyter notebook
Generic Node.js kernel for the Jupyter notebook
Node.js module for creating, parsing and replying to messages of the Jupyter Messaging Protocol (JMP)
Adds IPython / Jupyter magic commands to IJavascript
Node.js module for creating, parsing and replying to messages of the Jupyter Messaging Protocol (JMP)
Internal module node/lib/internal/repl/await.js from Node.js JavaScript runtime
Node.js module for creating, parsing and replying to messages of the Jupyter Messaging Protocol (JMP)
Node.js module for creating, parsing and replying to messages of the Jupyter Messaging Protocol (JMP)
Node.js Evaluation Loop (NEL): npm package to implement a Node.js REPL session
IJavaScript extension for issuing and handling HTTP requests interactively.
Interactive JavaScript kernel for IPython
IJavascript wrapper for Plotly
Interactive JavaScript runtime
IJavaScript extension for creating charts using the Google Charting API.
IJavaScript extension for working with data interactively.
Converting JavaScript doctrings to ijavascript Jupyter Notebooks
- jsdoc
- jupyter-notebooks
- jupyter
- ijavascript
- reasonml
- jupyter-notebook
- hypatia
- ijavascript-jupyter-notebooks