Search results
63 packages found
utilities for JS and TypeScript
- utilities
- typescript
- collection
- enumerable
- linq
- enumerator
- ienumerable
- list
- array
- comparer
- exception
- logging
- format
Lazy Typescript sequence/collection (Like LINQ) with api that resembles JavaScript Array.
- iterable
- iterator
- generator
- enumerable
- IEnumerable
- lazy
- deferred
- sequence
- collection
- Typescript
- Javascript
- ES2018
Linq-Collections (ES5): [IEnumerable, IQueryable, ...] + [List, Dictionary, Stack, ... + readonly]
- linq
- .net
- dotnet
- c#
- csharp
- visualbasic
- collections
- enumerable
- ienumerable
- ts
- typescript
- js
- javascript
- dictionary
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Complete implementation of Language-Integrated Query (LINQ) (ECMAScript 5.1 Language Specification)
- linq
- deferred
- query
- Enumerable
- Iterable
- IEnumerable
- IEnumerator
- Enumerator
- System.Linq
- generators
- Symbol
- symbol.iterator
- iterator
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Linq-Collections (ES5): [IEnumerable, IQueryable, ...] + [List, Dictionary, Stack, ... + readonly]
- linq
- .net
- dotnet
- c#
- csharp
- visualbasic
- collections
- enumerable
- ienumerable
- ts
- typescript
- js
- javascript
- dictionary
- View more
Complete implementation of Language-Integrated Query (LINQ) (ECMAScript 2015 Language Specification)
- linq
- deferred
- query
- Enumerable
- Iterable
- IEnumerable
- IEnumerator
- Enumerator
- System.Linq
- generators
- Symbol
- symbol.iterator
- iterator
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Data structures that compute their elements only when needed
Linq-Collections (ES5): [IEnumerable, IQueryable, ...] + [List, Dictionary, Stack, ... + readonly]
- linq
- .net
- dotnet
- c#
- csharp
- visualbasic
- collections
- enumerable
- ienumerable
- ts
- typescript
- js
- javascript
- dictionary
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Linq-Collections (ES5): [IEnumerable, IQueryable, ...] + [List, Dictionary, Stack, ... + readonly]
- linq
- .net
- dotnet
- c#
- csharp
- visualbasic
- collections
- enumerable
- ienumerable
- ts
- typescript
- js
- javascript
- dictionary
- View more
Linq-Collections (ES5): [IEnumerable, IQueryable, ...] + [List, Dictionary, Stack, ... + readonly]
- linq
- .net
- dotnet
- c#
- csharp
- visualbasic
- collections
- enumerable
- ienumerable
- ts
- typescript
- js
- javascript
- dictionary
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Linq-Collections (ES5): [IEnumerable, IQueryable, ...] + [List, Dictionary, Stack, ... + readonly]
- linq
- .net
- dotnet
- c#
- csharp
- visualbasic
- collections
- enumerable
- ienumerable
- ts
- typescript
- js
- javascript
- dictionary
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Javascript LINQ library based on C# LINQ
Linq-Collections (ES5): [IEnumerable, IQueryable, ...] + [List, Dictionary, Stack, ... + readonly]
- linq
- .net
- dotnet
- c#
- csharp
- visualbasic
- collections
- enumerable
- ienumerable
- ts
- typescript
- js
- javascript
- dictionary
- View more
Linq-Collections (ES5): [IEnumerable, IQueryable, ...] + [List, Dictionary, Stack, ... + readonly]
- linq
- .net
- dotnet
- c#
- csharp
- visualbasic
- collections
- enumerable
- ienumerable
- ts
- typescript
- js
- javascript
- dictionary
- View more
Linq-Collections (ES5): [IEnumerable, IQueryable, ...] + [List, Dictionary, Stack, ... + readonly]
- linq
- .net
- dotnet
- c#
- csharp
- visualbasic
- collections
- enumerable
- ienumerable
- ts
- typescript
- js
- javascript
- dictionary
- View more
Linq-Collections (ES5): [IEnumerable, IQueryable, ...] + [List, Dictionary, Stack, ... + readonly]
- linq
- .net
- dotnet
- c#
- csharp
- visualbasic
- collections
- enumerable
- ienumerable
- ts
- typescript
- js
- javascript
- dictionary
- View more
Linq-Collections (ES5): [IEnumerable, IQueryable, ...] + [List, Dictionary, Stack, ... + readonly]
- linq
- .net
- dotnet
- c#
- csharp
- visualbasic
- collections
- enumerable
- ienumerable
- ts
- typescript
- js
- javascript
- dictionary
- View more
Linq-Collections (ES5): [IEnumerable, IQueryable, ...] + [List, Dictionary, Stack, ... + readonly]
- linq
- .net
- dotnet
- c#
- csharp
- visualbasic
- collections
- enumerable
- ienumerable
- ts
- typescript
- js
- javascript
- dictionary
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Linq-Collections (ES5): [IEnumerable, IQueryable, ...] + [List, Dictionary, Stack, ... + readonly]
- linq
- .net
- dotnet
- c#
- csharp
- visualbasic
- collections
- enumerable
- ienumerable
- ts
- typescript
- js
- javascript
- dictionary
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Linq-Collections (ES5): [IEnumerable, IQueryable, ...] + [List, Dictionary, Stack, ... + readonly]
- linq
- .net
- dotnet
- c#
- csharp
- visualbasic
- collections
- enumerable
- ienumerable
- ts
- typescript
- js
- javascript
- dictionary
- View more